Touraine-Oisly AOP, a micro-appellation of the Sologne wine-growing region composed of ten producers, presents encouraging figures for 2020.

Some facts to learn more about the Touraine-Oisly AOP appellation:


Production: a generous 2020 harvest

Over the last 10 years, the 2020 harvest was the 2nd largest harvest with just over 1800 hl harvested.

In 2020, there was an increase of 10.5% in terms of produced volumes compared to 2019.


Evolution of production for AOP Touraine Oisly


Sale stability for the last 3 years.

France is the 1st consumer market of Touraine-Oisly AOP wines with 838 hectoliters sold in 2020.

Two thirds of the bottles are sold in France and the market has been globally stable for 3 years now.





French sales for AOP Touraine-Oisly


Export dynamics over the last 2 years, particularly in Europe

A third of the bottles of Touraine-Oisly are consumed outside our borders.

The three main markets remain European: Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

Demand is increasing in all countries and particularly in Belgium and in the Netherlands, where Touraine-Oisly AOP exports account for 29% and 21% of sales, respectively.

Export sales for Touraine-Oisly in 2020

(Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, UK, USA,…)